Becoming an apprentice

Why choose apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships enable you to train and work, alternating periods at the IUT with periods in the company.

  • You pay no training fees
  • You obtain a recognized diploma
  • You receive a salary: a percentage of the minimum wage, depending on your age and progress in the training cycle.
  • You are a full-fledged employee of a company: as such, the laws, regulations and collective bargaining agreements of the professional sector and of the company apply to you under the same conditions as to other employees.
  • You may be eligible for housing assistance
  • You can benefit from driving license assistance
  • Your capacity for professional integration is enhanced

Our GOALS are open to apprenticeships

  • BUT GEA and BUT GEII: right from the first year
  • BUT GC-CD and BUT SGM: from 2nd year onwards
  • BUT GMP: from 3rd year onwards

All apprenticeships

How to become a first-year apprentice at IUT Nîmes

  • You must be under 30 years of age and a national of France or a member state of the European Economic Area.
  • You must apply on the PARCOURSUP platform from January onwards, until you have reached your intake capacity. (Apprenticeship applications are separate applications: if you are applying for both initial training and apprenticeship training, you need to make 2 applications).
  • You must submit your administrative file to the CFA ENSUP LR (Centre de Formation des Apprentis du Languedoc Roussillon).
  • You need to look for a company
  • If your application is accepted, your final admission is subject to the signature of an apprenticeship contract. You will be asked to sign an apprenticeship contract at the administrative registration stage (or, failing that, to obtain authorization from CFA EnSup-LR).

How do I find a company?


In addition to the personal steps you'll need to take to find an apprenticeship contract, we can help you build the right application tools and learn job search techniques.

The CFA offers workshops upon registration.

Follow CFA on linkedIn : you'll have access to all the latest information in real time!

Job dating at IUT

The IUT de Nîmes organizes a work-study job dating event every year in May, open to our students and high-school pupils accepted as apprentices in our courses:

  • Online registration on a dedicated platform to consult offers
  • Online appointments with recruiters
  • Face-to-face interviews at IUT

In 2023, this job dating event led to the signing of 106 apprenticeship contracts for our 1st, 2nd and 3rd year students. In 2024, 345 interviews were conducted. (number of contracts signed undefined to date).