Applications and registrations

I would like to apply for a BUT :

Initial training or apprenticeship

  • In 1st year GOAL: new baccalaureate holders, applicants reorienting their studies, you must apply on the PARCOURSUP platform from January 15 to March 13, 2025.

Applications for GEA and GEII apprenticeships are extended beyond March 13, 2025, until capacity is reached.

  • Direct admission to 2nd or 3rd year of BUT (eCandidat portal)
  • By transfer between IUTs (if you come from an IUT)

Continuing education: see application procedures

I would like to apply for a Licence Professionnelle :

Initial training or sandwich courses

If you have a Bac+2 or are changing career, you must apply on the eCandidat platform from February 15, 2025.

Continuing education: see application procedures

In all cases, and if you are admitted to one of our courses, you will need to complete the registration process..

I would like to enroll at IUT Nîmes :