
I have accepted a Parcoursup offer for 1st year of a BUT program (initial training or apprenticeship).

BUT registrations: July 8 to 19; resumption August 19 at 2 p.m.

I must register online from Monday July 8, 2024 according to the schedule set by Parcoursup.

Administrative registration procedure for BUT 1st year (click below according to your situation)

Electronic signature on a pdf document : procedure below IA_MOP_Createan electronic signature on a pdf document

I am enrolling or re-enrolling at the IUT de Nîmes in the 1st, 2nd or 3rd year of the BUT program.

I was a BUT student at the IUT de Nîmes in 2023-24 and I'm re-registering (moving up to the next year or repeating a year).

Re-registration from 14 to July 18 OR August 20 to September 20 (your choice).

Note: to open a link or download a document, click directly on the red characters.

 I pay the CVEC. What is the CVEC? Who pays it? How much does it cost? All you need to know about CVEC

  1. I must carry out and I MUST re-register on the INTERNET (re-registration opens on July 14, 2024).
    • I connect to my ENT
    • I click on the " Re-register " button; if I have any problems, I ask to issue me a PASSWORD to register online. I enter my contact details, my student number, my course (department, year and course); I enclose the CFA certificate of commitment if I'm an apprentice. I wait for my application to be processed before re-registering (1 to 2 days maximum).
  2. I submit the required supporting documents in the accepted formats (jpeg, jpg, pdf png) via the PJWeb thumbnail accessible from my ENT, not forgetting the declaration_on_honor and the data protection form.
  3. If my application is complete, and once it has been checked and approved by the school, I will be able to print out my school certificate.
  4. Make an appointment on smartagenda to update my student card (CMS) at the start of the new school year , bringing back my printed registration summary.

If I am unable to re-register online, I will make an appointment on smartagenda to come and register in person; in the latter case, I will download, complete, print and return the registration form together with supporting documents not forgetting the declaration_on_honor and the data protection form.

I've been accepted into the 2nd or 3rd year of the BUT program via eCandidat: I can register online or in person..

First of all, I confirm my acceptance of the training course at

If I was a student at the University of Montpellier, I'll give my UM student number and ask for a pass to register via the WEB. I wait for my request to be processed before registering (1 to 2 days maximum).

Then :

  1. I MUST REGISTER ONLINE (from July 14 to 18 or from August 20). Please note: payment by credit card may be required. If I were student at the University of Montpellier (and only in this case) :
    • I connect directly to my ENT
    • I click on the "Re-register" thumbnail.
  2. I submit the supporting documents requested in the accepted formats (jpeg, jpg, pdf, pg) via the PJWeb thumbnail accessible from my ENT, not forgetting the declaration_on_honor and the data protection form.
  3. At the start of the new academic year, staff at the School Office will give me my student card, provided my application is complete. If I haven't received my card, I'll go as soon as possible to the school office in the administration building (Monday to Thursday, 8.45am to 11.30am and 1.30pm to 4.30pm; Friday, 8.45am to 11.30am and 1.30pm to 3.30pm). I will make sure beforehand that I have uploaded all documents to the PJ Web application.

For further information:

If I have been accepted via eCandidat but have not yet registered at the University of Montpellier, I request a "LAISSEZ-PASSER" by providing my eCandidat file number, the course I am applying for (department, year and course) and my contact details. If I'm an apprentice, I enclose the CFA certificate of enrolment.

I then follow the procedure below:

Before registering, I must pay the CVEC (€103) and print out my certificate.

  1. I REGISTER ONLINE (from July 14) . Please note: payment by credit card may be required. 
  2. Once I have registered (15 to 30 minutes), an e-mail is sent to the personal e-mail address I gave when I registered. This link is valid for 24 hours and enables me to validate my computer account
  3. I must submit my supporting documents as soon as possible and in the accepted formats (jpeg, jpg, pdf; please note that photos must be in JPEG or JPG format only) via the application accessible from my ENT "vignette PJWeb", not forgetting the declaration_on_honor and the data protection form. If I am a minor, I must download and submit this authorization. If my application is complete and has been approved by the school, I will be able to obtain the school certificate. If my application is incomplete , I will receive an e-mail telling me why my application has not been validated. If I have not provided all the supporting documents in July, I will be able to complete them on PJWeb as soon as possible.
  4. At the start of the new academic year, staff at the School Office will give me my student card, provided my application is complete. If I haven't received my card, I'll go as soon as possible to the school office in the administration building (Monday to Thursday, 8.45am to 11.30am and 1.30pm to 4.30pm; Friday, 8.45am to 11.30am and 1.30pm to 3.30pm). I will make sure beforehand that I have uploaded all documents to the PJ Web application.

If I am unable to register online (no UM number, computer problems, etc.) or if I am admitted to BUT 2 or 3rd year by transfer between IUTs, I must register in person:

  1. I pay the CVEC if I register for an apprenticeship All about the CVEC
  2. I make an appointment on the smartagenda application to finalize my registration (important: appointment slots only from August 20 , 2024). If I require an appointment in July, I contact the schooling department at to explain my request, not forgetting to leave my contact details. Please note: if I am covered by a continuing education scheme (jobseeker, employee, interrupted studies) or professionalization scheme, I must contact the Continuing Education Department by e-mail or by telephone on 04 66 64 95 62.
  3. I'm waiting to receive the CFA's certificate of commitment if I'm signing up for an apprenticeship.
  4. I go to the Nîmes IUT on the day of the appointment with :

International relations: (

I'm applying for a professional license

I've been accepted into the Licence Professionnelle program at IUT Nîmes and would like to register. Registration will take place either online or in person (by appointment only). 

Appointments start on August 19, 2024; if I require an appointment in July or September, I should contact the schooling department at to explain my request, without forgetting to leave my contact details (name, telephone number, e-mail address, course).

Note: to open a link or download a document, click directly on the red characters.

Registration procedure (depending on my situation) :


  •  I was a student at the University of Montpellier and I'm registering :

- INITIAL CLASSIC: I request a pass from to re-register via the WEB (date unavailable). I specify my UM student number on the e-mail as well as my cell phone number,

- in APPRENTISSAGE and I have received the CFA EnSup LR commitment certificate: I am sending this document to requesting a pass for my re-registration. I specify my UM student number and my cell phone number.

Online registration will be open from August 20 to September 27.

I pay the CVEC. Article L841-5-1 of the French Orientation and Student Success Act (ORE) requires payment of the Contribution Vie Étudiante et Campus. All about the CVEC

  1. I must carry out and MANDATORY my online re-registration :
  2. If my application is complete, and once it has been checked and approved by the school, I will be able to print out my school certificate.
  3. Make an appointment on smartagenda (slots from August 20 only) to update my student card (CMS) at the start of the new school year.

If I have a question or a problem with my re-registration, please

PRESENTIAL REGISTRATION from August 20 if I I was not a student at the University of Montpellier; I follow the following procedure:

  1. I pay the CVEC if I register for an apprenticeship (ATTENTION : I do not have to pay the CVEC if I register under a professionalization contract or through the Continuing Education Department.). All about CVEC
  2. I make an appointment on the smartagenda application to finalize my registration (important: appointment slots (date known later). If I require an appointment in July, I contact the schooling department at to explain my request, not forgetting to leave my contact details. Please note: if I am covered by a continuing education scheme (jobseeker, employee, interrupted studies) or professionalization scheme, I must contact the Continuing Education Department by e-mail or by telephone on 04 66 64 95 62.
  3. I'm waiting to receive the CFA's certificate of commitment if I'm signing up for an apprenticeship.
  4. I go to the Nîmes IUT on the day of the appointment with :

I can also ask to issue me a pass to register online. In this case, I'll need to enter my contact details, my eCandidat file number and, if I'm an apprentice, the CFA certificate of commitment. I'll then receive a reply by e-mail, and I can register via the WEB by clicking on the link below: web registration

Before registering online, I must first pay the CVEC, even if I'm applying for an apprenticeship. Article L841-5-1 of the French Orientation and Student Success Act (ORE) requires payment of the Student andCampusLife Contribution (Contribution Vie Étudiante etCampus).What is the CVEC? All about CVEC

Then I download and print the declaration of honor and the Data Protection document.

Then I register online: click here: online registration Then :

  1. I upload to the application in the accepted formats (jpeg, jpg, pdf, png) supporting documents. Don't forget the WEB registration summary generated after my entry.
  2. If my application is complete, and once it has been checked and approved by the school, I will be able to print out my school certificate.
  3. Make an appointment on smartagenda to get my Multi Services Card.

ATTENTION: If I am covered by a continuing education scheme (jobseeker, employee, interrupted studies) or professionalization scheme , I must contact the Continuing Education Department by e-mail or by telephone on 04 66 64 95 62.

I'm re-enrolling in the BUT apprenticeship program

Apprentices can re-register online from July 15 to 18 OR from August 20 to September 20.

Note: to open a link or download a document, click directly on the red characters.

If I have a problem with my online re-enrolment or any other question concerning my re-enrolment, please contact the schooling department

  1. I pay the CVEC (compulsory even for apprentices) Article L841-5-1 of the Orientation and Student Success Act (ORE) requires payment of the Student and Campus Life Contribution. What is the CVEC? Who pays it? How much does it cost? All you need to know about CVEC
  2. I re-register online from my ENT by clicking on the "Re-registration" link; if I have any problems, I ask to issue me a PASSENGER to register online. I enter my contact details, my student number, my course (department, year and course); I enclose the CFA commitment certificate. I wait for my application to be processed before re-registering (1 to 2 days maximum).
  3. Then I download the declaration of honour and the information technology and civil liberties document and submit supporting documents on PJWeb; finally, I book an appointment on the smartagenda application to update my multi-service card at the start of the new academic year (I'll bring my student card and the summary of my enrolment that I printed out from my ENT).

If I am unable to re-register online, I will make an appointment on smartagenda to come and register in person; in the latter case, I will download, complete and return the registration form together with supporting documents.

Visit the website of the Centre de Formations des Apprentis du Languedoc Roussillon

For all questions concerning

I'm applying for lifelong learning

If I am covered by a continuing education scheme (jobseeker, employee, interrupted studies) or professionalization scheme, I must contact the continuing education department by e-mail or by telephone on 04 66 64 95 62.

Important information

The Nîmes IUT is part of the University of Montpellier (UM), but is located in Nîmes.

Once you have received your CVEC certificate, you must register online within 24 hours.

Depending on your situation, you will be asked to pay a flat fee of €103, or you will be exempt if you have a scholarship.

In both cases, you will be issued with a certificate: without it, you cannot complete your administrative registration.

Please note: For non-scholarship students, we invite you to log on now to the website to create an account and simplify your procedures.
If you register for several courses in the same academic year, this contribution is only due for the first registration.

PARCOURSUP: You must respect a precise timetable to validate your wishes and finalize your online registration at the University.

How do I connect to the application for my first registration at UM "Primoweb"?
Please have your login (Parcoursup, eCandidat or MonMaster), which must be 10 characters long, your date of birth and the e-mail address you entered on the application platform.

You'll find all the information you need on the home page of the registration application.

I've been through a Parcoursup, MonMaster or eCandidat procedure, how do I connect to the registration application? or A message tells me "Unknown user", what do I do?
Check the following points or connect with the correct identifiers:

  • your login (depending on the application platform) :
    • P24 + 7 digits Parcoursup
    • EC + 8 characters eCandidat
  • the format of your date of birth: ddmmyyyy (e.g. 12081992)
  • your e-mail address (this must be the one used on your application space)
    Please make sure you have confirmed your wish/admission on Parcoursup, eCandidat or MonMaster, within the deadline.
    If so, you will have to wait until the day after your confirmation to register on the "Primo Web" application.

How do I connect to the "Réins web" application to re-register at the UM?
First, connect to your UM computer account (ENT).
Then click on the corresponding thumbnail.

If you have a problem with your student digital account, click here.

You probably have a problem blocking pop-ups (in your browser preferences or via an Ad Block-type add-on).
You need to unblock them to be able to register. It is also advisable to empty/delete your history.

I was registered at the UM in a previous year but not in 2023-2024. I can't re-register online, what should I do?
You should contact the registration department of your Faculty (UFR)/School/Institute, which will tell you how to register.

I registered online, how do I send my supporting documents online?
Connect to the "PJ Web" application for submitting supporting documents via the thumbnail available in your ENT (Espace Numérique de Travail).

Please note: if this is your first registration at the UM, you will need to activate your ENT (Espace Numérique de Travail) account first.

I need to submit my supporting documents online via "PJ Web". What file formats are accepted and what is the maximum size for each file?

  • Authorized file extensions are: "jpeg", "jpg", "pdf", "png"; except for the ID photo, which must be supplied in "jpeg" or "jpg" only.
  • Scanners are preferable to photographs, but they are accepted if they are legible and of good quality.
  • The size of each file must not exceed 4 MB.

How do I know if the Enrolment Department has received my supporting documents, submitted online via the "PJ Web" application?
Log on to the "PJ Web" application to submit supporting documents via the thumbnail available in your ENT (Espace Numérique de Travail) and check the validation status of the documents you have submitted.
Check your inbox regularly. The registration department will contact you regarding your supporting documents.

One of my supporting documents has been "refused". What should I do?

  • Reconnect to the "PJ web" application, and the reason for refusal will be indicated.
  • You will then need to submit a new supporting document and transmit it again via the application.

On the "PJ web" application for online document submission, I can only submit a single file, even though I have several files corresponding to the requested supporting document.
There are free tools for scanning documents with your cell phone. These tools can also be used to assemble "pdf" files so that you have two files in one. You can easily find these free tools on the Internet.
There are also computer functions that allow you to merge several PDF documents (pdf printer).

What do I do if I'm not concerned by a part in the "PJ web" application for online filing?

  • You must notify your registration department.
  • You can add a blank page with the words NOT CONCERNED.

I registered online and made a mistake entering my date of birth, the spelling of my surname/first name (or any other information) and I can't correct it. What should I do?
Please report any errors to your Faculty (UFR)/School/Institute' s registration department, who will make the necessary corrections.

SPORT: https: //

Payment of the CVEC gives access to a wide range of sports: climbing, mountain biking, kite-surfing, stand-up paddling, volleyball, rugby, soccer, handball, basketball, tennis, badminton, step/aerobics, fitness, weight training, swimming, taekwondo, French boxing and drav-maga.

These activities take place throughout the week, mainly in the evenings after 5:30 p.m., between 12 and 2 p.m., and also on Thursday afternoons. Information is available here and on the sports noticeboard in the hall of the IUT central building.

TOP-LEVEL ATHLETE : your online application

Students with disabilities

Requests for study and/or examination accommodations in 2024-2025

  1. On the registration form, complete the "declare a disability" section.
  2. First registration at the UM: complete the online form.
    Re-registration at the UM: go to your ENT, "Handy" tab, to make your request.
  3. Book an appointment with the SCMPPS and Handiversité departments.

Frequently asked questions
supporting documents

I must provide official identification. Which documents are accepted? Accepted documents: double-sided national identity card (CNI), passport, valid residence permit.
If you don't have either of these two documents, a driving license in the format recognized by the European Union.

I need to provide proof of school/university/extra-curricular/civil liability insurance. What is civil liability or school-university insurance? Where can I obtain a certificate of liability insurance?

Civil liability is an insurance policy that obliges all persons to repair damage caused to others through fault, carelessness or negligence, or by objects owned, rented or borrowed.
All students must be covered by civil liability insurance as part of their studies (see the University of Montpellier's internal regulations). the internal regulations of the University of Montpellier).
Where can I obtain a civil liability certificate?
From your insurer, your mutual insurance company or when you open a bank account in France.
The certificate must bear the words "responsabilité civile" ("civil liability").

  • Make sure you're not over-insured: before taking out any insurance, check that your comprehensive home or rental insurance (or that of your parents) doesn't already cover your private life or school/extra-curricular activities.
  • The certificate must be valid on the date of registration and include your full name.
  • A professional liability policy does not correspond to the request made for an administrative registration.
  • Similarly, a membership form or a payment slip do not constitute proof of insurance: these 2 documents are not acceptable.
  • The certificate must bear the words "civil liability".

I need to provide a transcript of my baccalaureate grades. Where can I find it?
You can download your transcript by logging into your Cyclades account (Menu -> My Documents).

I need to provide a notification from Parcoursup. Where can I find it?
You can download your Parcoursup notification by accessing your file on Parcoursup (My dashboard -> Admission -> Attestation).

I need to provide a summary of my online registration. Where can I find it?
To obtain a summary of your registration, you can download it from your computer account (ENT). Click on the "Recap. Registration". You can also click here.

I need to provide a passport photo. Which format is accepted?

The photo will appear on the student card. It must have a neutral background with no border, and be in "passport photo" format.
For online photo submission to the Pjweb application, only JPG and JPEG formats are accepted.
Please note: pdf format is NOT accepted.

If you are unable to use the pdf form to submit your supporting documents, you can use the word format and insert your digitized signature (the image of your signature) or print it out, complete it and scan it to submit it online via the PJWeb application.

I have to provide the Journée Défense et Citoyenneté (JDC/JAPD). What do I do if I've lost my certificate of participation?

French students under the age of 26 must provide proof of their national service obligations in order to be authorized to register for examinations and competitions subject to public authority control.

Only one copy of the certificate is issued. However, before your 25th birthday, you can request (by post or e-mail) a status certificate from your local national service center (the one in the department where you took your census) or the one near your place of residence, along with a copy of your national identity card.

I need to provide a CVEC certificate. Where can I find it?

Before registering at university, you need to log on to the website to find out what you need to do.

Depending on your situation, you will be asked for your CVEC number and/or certificate when you register.

The CVEC procedure must be carried out for the academic year of registration, i.e. 2024-2025.

Step 1: Complete the necessary formalities via Remember to have your INE number ready (please spell your first and last names correctly).

Step 2: Keep your certificate, as you'll be asked for it when you register, whether or not you're exempt from paying the contribution: the certificate is compulsory.

Step 3: Register or re-register according to the procedures in place at your faculty (UFR), school or institute.

Depending on your situation, either :

  • You will be asked to pay a lump sum of 103€.
  • You'll be exempt

In both cases, you will be issued with a certificate: without it, you cannot complete your administrative registration.

Please note: For non-scholarship students, we invite you to log on now to to create an account and simplify your procedures.

If you register for more than one course in the same academic year, this contribution is only due for the first registration.

The CVEC is a contribution "intended to promote the social, health, cultural and sporting welcome and support of students, and to bolster the preventive and health education actions carried out for them".
Whatever your situation (having paid the CVEC or exempt), you must provide a CVEC certificate when you register or re-register.

I'm a minor, what documents do I need to provide?
You must provide a registration authorization from your legal guardians. Once completed, it will be kept in your file by the registration department.

CROUS scholarships / Reimbursement

Applications for scholarships, and for student accommodation if required, are managed by the Montpellier CROUS after submission of a Dossier Social Etudiant (Student Social File). When you register, you'll be asked to show your scholarship notification, which exempts you from registration fees.

I didn't receive my CROUS notification when I registered. What should I do?
You will register at the full rate and as soon as you receive your notification, you will be able to request a refund of your registration fees.
Please note that if you request payment in three instalments, the refund will not be made until at least two weeks after the last instalment, i.e. within two to three months of your registration.
If you declared yourself a scholarship holder when you registered/registered online, but have not yet received notification from the CROUS, you will be asked to pay your registration fees in full.

Reimbursement is made to a third party's bank account. You must attach a third-party reimbursement authorization to the RIB.

Payment of registration fees

Registration fees are set by ministerial decree. They include the right to the diploma and the right of access to the University Library.
Details of the fees paid at the time of registration are shown :

  • on the receipt of rights in your ENT space ("My file" thumbnail)
  • on the Scol'Pass receipt, issued on request from your school.
  • or on your registration summary, which you can download online from your ENT account ("Récap Inscription" thumbnail).

Please note: These documents are only issued once the administrative registration has been finalized (payment + validation of all supporting documents by your UFR/School/Institute).

What methods of payment are available?
For online registration, payment can be made by credit card (Visa or Mastercard).
For on-site registration, payment can be made by Visa or MasterCard, or by cheque made payable to the University of Montpellier's Accounting Officer.
For payment by bank transfer: please ask your Faculty (UFR)/School/Institute of registration for details.
Registration will not be processed until payment has been received. Cash payments are not accepted by the registration department.

Is it possible to defer the cashing of my cheque payment?
No. Registration accounts are processed daily in accordance with current regulations. If you think you are having payment difficulties, please do not hesitate to inform the person in charge of registrations.

I don't have any means of payment. Can someone else pay my tuition fees for me?
Yes. However, please check the creditworthiness of this third party to ensure that you do not end up in arrears with the university.

Is it possible to pay in instalments? Yes, for registration for a national diploma. Payment in three instalments is possible for amounts over €100. The first third must be paid by credit card when you register online. At the same time, direct debit authorizations are required for the other two instalments. This method of payment is not possible if the credit card expires before the last scheduled payment.
Before paying in 3 instalments, please ensure that your credit card is valid for all 3 instalments.

I can't pay online. What should I do?
Contact your Faculty (UFR)/School/Institute's enrolment office, and they may be able to help. For online payment, only Visa and Mastercard are accepted.

When I registered online, I declared myself as a CROUS scholarship holder, but the amount claimed does not correspond to my situation. How can I rectify this?
Return to the "ANNUAL DATA" page of the registration application you used.
For the question: "What is the nature of your scholarship? Indicate: "Bourse de l'enseignement supérieur" and to the question: "Quelle est la nature de vos aides financières? Indicate: "Scholarship based on social criteria".
If, despite everything, your problem persists and you think you're a scholarship holder, contact the enrolment department of your Faculty (UFR)/School/Institute or the CROUS.

My payment has been rejected by the bank. What should I do?
Contact your registration department as soon as possible. Until the accounting situation has been regularized, you will not be able to obtain transcripts, certificates of achievement or diplomas.

I'm registering online, but I don't want to pay by credit card. What should I do?
When you register online, payment is mandatory. You can choose to pay in one or 3 instalments.
If you are unable to pay online, you will need to register using a registration form. Contact the registration department of the Faculty (UFR)/School/Institute concerned to find out how to register.

I registered online, but my payment was refused, what are the consequences?
Please note that payment is mandatory for online registration. If your payment is refused, please contact us.

BEA / INE / Student number

What's the difference between these 3 numbers? The Base-Elèves Académique, or BEA, is a number assigned to every Sixième student in France, enabling individual identification in secondary education. The Identifiant National Etudiant, or INE, is assigned to every student enrolled in Terminale in France since 1995, or already enrolled in a French public higher education establishment.

Since 2018, the INE number has consisted of eleven characters, of which only the last 2 are letters.

The INE number assigned prior to 2018 consists of eleven characters, combining numbers and 1 to 5 letters.

The INE number differs from the social security number, also known as the INSEE number, in format (15 digits) and usage.

The INE is generally shown on the baccalauréat transcript (final or early tests). It also appears on school certificates issued by high schools and universities.

The student number (in addition to your name) serves as a personal identifier, particularly in cases of homonymy. The student number assigned by the University of Montpellier cannot be used at any other university, unlike the n°INE, which is recognized nationally.

I can't find my INE (Identifiant National Etudiant) number? The INE number is mandatory for your administrative registration.

  • If you were a candidate for a French baccalauréat or enrolled in French higher education: you can find it on your baccalauréat transcript or your higher education transcript.
  • If you are a foreign student who has already studied in French higher education, you will find your INE number on your student card, school certificate or transcript.

I don't have an INE, what should I do?
The university will issue you with an INE when you first register. It will then be valid at all French universities.

I forgot to enter my INE when I registered online and I've been given a new one. What should I do?
You must report the anomaly to the Registration Department immediately.

Postal address

I don't know my address at the start of the school year? What do I need to know when I register?
We recommend that you give a fixed family address for the fall. Don't forget to specify "Chez M/Mme..." if your name is not on the letterbox. You can then notify the Enrolment Department of your change of address at any time. This address is particularly important, as it will be used to contact you by post if necessary.

I'm going to change my address during the academic year. Do I need to report this?
Yes, you need to report this as soon as possible to your Registrar. Your address is particularly important, as it will be used to contact you by post if necessary.

handicap situation

Requests for accommodations for studies and/or examinations and competitive examinations in 2024-2025
You can benefit from accommodations for studies and/or examinations and competitive examinations. To do so, you need to complete an online form.

Students with disabilities

Requests for study and/or examination accommodations in 2024-2025

  1. On the registration form, complete the "declare a disability" section.
  2. First registration at the UM: complete the online form.
    Re-registration at the UM: go to your ENT, "Handy" tab, to make your request.
  3. Book an appointment with the SCMPPS and Handiversité departments.

Please note: requests for examination and study accommodations must be renewed each year, no later than November 30 of the current academic year.

The Handiversité team is here to listen to you and help you :

  • answer your questions and direct you to the appropriate services
  • support you in your study and career plans
  • coordinate and implement the specific facilities planned
  • support you in your research and development.

Requests for accommodations for exams and competitive examinations for the 1st half of 2024 must be submitted as soon as possible. Contact the occupational medicine department or Handiversité.


High-level sportsperson: I'd like to apply for high-level sportsperson status. What do I need to do?
To find out about the steps to take and the criteria and procedures for obtaining high-level sportsperson status, you need to apply online via the Université de Montpellier website. Go to the Sport (SUAPS) page on the university website: https: //

Sports activity :

Payment of the CVEC gives access to a wide range of sports: climbing, mountain biking, kite-surfing, stand-up paddling, volleyball, rugby, soccer, handball, basketball, tennis, badminton, step/aerobics, fitness, weight training, swimming, taekwondo, French boxing and drav-maga.

These activities take place throughout the week, mainly in the evenings after 5:30 p.m., between 12 and 2 p.m., and also on Thursday afternoons. Information is available here and on the sports noticeboard in the hall of the IUT central building.

special situations

Can I register by proxy?
Current regulations do not allow registration by a third party. If you are unable to attend, please contact the registration department.

Can I register by correspondence?
Only if this option is available for the course you are registering for. Please contact the Faculty (UFR)/School/Institute concerned for further information.

I'm waiting to sign a professionalization or apprenticeship contract. Can I still register?
Please refer to the instructions issued by the registration department.

I'm a minor, what do I need to do to register?
You must provide authorization from your legal guardians. Once completed, it will be kept in your file by the registration department.

I have dual nationality, including French. Which one should I register under?
French nationality is mandatory.

I've interrupted my studies for more than two years. What should I do?
You must apply to the University's Continuing Education Department for authorization to resume your studies, to find out whether you are covered by the initial training program or the continuing education program, which may be financed.

While waiting to hear from another educational establishment, I have registered at the University of Montpellier. What should I do if I change my mind about continuing my studies?

You must contact Enrolment Services as soon as possible to request a cancellation and refund of tuition fees. This is automatic if you submit a written request before August 26, 2024. On the other hand, refunds for cancellations requested on or after August 27 must be examined by a commission, according to certain criteria, and may be refused in the absence of convincing justification.

Please note: a request to cancel a registration and a withdrawal from an admissions platform (Parcoursup, eCandidat, MonMaster, etc.) are two separate procedures. All registration cancellations must be requested from the registration department of your UFR/School/Institute.

I'm registered at another French university and would like to request a transfer during the academic year. How do I go about it? Please contact your school for further information, as the transfer procedure must follow a specific procedure. The transfer is subject to the agreement of both school heads.

What happens if I don't register on time?
Registrations are carried out according to a precise and widely communicated timetable.
Any registration after the deadline is systematically subject to authorization.

Multi Services Card (CMS)

The card gives access to the University's premises. It must be presented to the university authorities or agents designated by them whenever requested. Refusal to present the card may result in disciplinary proceedings. Lending, exchanging, falsifying or attempting to falsify a card is prohibited and may result in disciplinary action.

When and where can I obtain my student card?
When you complete your first administrative enrolment at the University of Montpellier, at the Enrolment Center or the Registrar's Office. Details will be provided by the department concerned. When you re-register, the card is updated with a sticker indicating the new academic year.

I've lost my card, or it's been stolen or damaged (bent, broken, etc.). What should I do?
First, check with your school to make sure it hasn't been found.
Request a renewal (subject to a fee) via the "CMSWEB" application in your ENT ("Student card" label). However, if your card is faulty (inactive, mute, etc.), you must go to your s

Scol'Pass / School certificate

The Scol'Pass is an A4 document containing three school certificates and a receipt for your tuition fees. The Scol'Pass is issued on completion of your enrolment, on request from your school.

Scol'Pass is not the only way to obtain a school certificate. If you are enrolled on a regular basis, you can access it via your computer account (ENT), ("My file" tab - "Enrolments" section).

How can I obtain my certificate of attendance and/or receipt of fees paid?
You can download your certificate of attendance and/or receipt of fees paid from your ENT ("My file" thumbnail - "Enrolments" section):
once you have submitted your supporting documents (on the "PJ web" application or directly from the Enrolment Department, depending on the enrolment procedure that applies to you) and your Faculty (UFR)/School/Institute registration department has validated them.

Computer account / ENT

How do I activate my UM computer account (ENT)?
Once you have registered, you will receive a personal link that can be clicked on to the personal e-mail address you entered during registration.
This link is valid for a limited time, so we advise you not to wait to validate it.

Important: you must activate your computer account to access the "PJWEB" application, which will enable you to submit the required supporting documents to finalize your administrative registration.

I haven't received the activation e-mail for my computer account, or the link I received is out of date. What should I do? Click on "Connection problem" on the first page of the ENT and follow the instructions.

I can't connect to my computer account. What should I do?
Click on "Connection problem" on the first page of the ENT and follow the instructions.

Where can I find my UM computer account (ENT)?
You can access your ENT account on the UM website, left-hand column "Accès direct", tab "Plateforme", ENT.