Recruiting an apprentice
Apprenticeships are created in partnership with companies in your professional sector.
They are therefore tailored to your recruitment and training needs.
By taking on an apprentice, you can introduce him or her to your own personal skills and know-how. You can contact the CFA EnSup-LR development department and/or the people in charge of each course to help you select motivated people for higher education.
The apprenticeship formula enables risk-free pre-recruitment of a person who will be fully operational in the company at the end of his or her training.
Benefits for the company
Visit the CFA / ENSUP LR website
Apprentice remuneration
An apprentice's salary depends on his or her age, and changes each year with the length of the contract and the training cycle.
There is a legal minimum wage for each age bracket, corresponding to a percentage of the SMIC (minimum wage) in force on January 1.
Visit the CFA ENSUP / LR website
Recruiting an apprentice
If you wish to recruit an apprentice, your company must :
- Be authorized to train an apprentice
- Appointing an internship supervisor
- Choose a candidate
- Sign the apprenticeship contract
- Taking care of administrative formalities
Find out more about all the procedures on the Centre de Formation des Apprentis du Languedoc Roussillon (CFA ENSUP LR) website.
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