Engineering training and more

Industrial Structures Mechanical Engineer by apprenticeship / Polytech Montpellier

The Mechanics and Industrial Structures (MSI) specialization provides apprenticeship training for field engineers in the mechanical engineering, boiler-making, welding and metallurgy sectors. It enables them to occupy positions such as project manager, manufacturing manager, design/methods office, inspection/control, etc.

In partnership with the SNCT(Syndicat National de la Chaudronnerie, Tuyauterie & maintenance industrielle), it is held in Nîmes, on the premises of the IUT (UM's technology platform).

This type of engineering training is unique in France. The program is strongly supported by the Occitanie Region, through the regional Higher Education apprentice training center (CFA ENSUP LR).

See the website of Polytech Montpellier as well as the Center de Formation par Apprentissage (CFA) website for more details.

DE Welding science and technology (Diplôme d'Établissement)

Welding occupies an important place in the mechanical engineering industry as a whole. These trades are included in the list of "short-staffed trades" drawn up by the French Ministry of Employment, due to difficulties in recruiting qualified personnel at all levels.

The International Welding Engineer (IWE) is the highest level welding coordinator according to EN ISO 14731. As such, he is able to plan, execute, monitor, control and test all welding fabrication tasks and responsibilities.

The DE in Welding Science and Technology is a one-year sandwich course leading to the IWE qualification. It was created as part of a partnership between the University of Montpellier and the Institut de Soudure.

See the Polytech Montpellier website